Fire Curtains
Fire Door Replacement
HBC Group fire curtain solution offersa versatile and effective approach to firesafety and containment within buildings. Anoteworthy advantage of our curtains isthat they are built to provide the perfectalternative to traditional fire-rated partitionswhile maintaining the same levels of security.Our design approach aligns well with modernarchitectural trends emphasising open spacesand design flexibility.
Fire Compartmentation
The primary purpose of fire curtains is to form acompartment and to act as a physical barrierthat prevents the spread of fire, heat, and smokebetween different areas of a building. Thiscontainment helps protect occupants, property,and the overall structure during a fireemergency. Fire curtains are designed towithstand high temperatures and prevent heatflux transfer that could otherwise ignitematerials on either side of the compartment.
Fire and Smoke curtains are required inrestaurants, mainly where there is a kitchencounter. The curtain automatically dropscase of fire/smoke, preventing the spread offire/smoke and minimising damage.
Lift Doors
HBC Group Fire Curtains offers a solution that combines fire safety and architectural flexibility. Fire curtains are fire-resistant barriers designed to deploy in the event of a fire, creating partition and preventing the spread of flames, smoke, and heat. This partition creates protected means of escape for building occupants and also compartmentalizes the fire to limit its impact on the structure and its occupants.
Lift Lobbies
Using smoke and fire-rated curtains to create aprotected lobby in front of a bank of elevatordoors is an innovative solution that offerspothfire safety and architectural flexibility. Thisapproach can replace the need for constructinga physical smoke and fire-rated partition.
Escalators &Internal Stairs
Smoke curtains can be used around the lowerlevel to create a deep reservoir to prevent smokefrom migrating to the upper levels. Fire curtainscan be used to seal off the stairwell completelyif required. Inte igent control systems linkedto the escalator operation can be provided tomaintain adequate means of escape.